Welcome to my blog. Thanks for dropping by. Hope you'll stay and enjoy reading about where I've been and what I've been doing!

I don't mean this to be a replacement for personal emails, but it gives me the chance to put up photos and my scrapbook layouts, so I don't block up your in-boxes, or have to send the same photos and stories to everyone separately!
Thanks, and welcome, to the followers of my blog. I'm very honoured that you enjoy it. Drop me some comments from time to time! It's good to hear what you think about the posts. Come back again soon.

Thanks also to Mary of Mary's Mixes for doing all the work on the blog's heading. You are great, Mary!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Scrapbook page

snowdrop Medium Web viewI should have been doing lots of work in the house today but I played instead!  First I did a bit of family history research, then I did actually start moving the books out of my bookcase in the bedroom so I can move it – just didn’t keep at it!  I came back to the computer and decided to do something about scrapbooking some of my snowdrop pictures from Saturday’s visit to Kailzie, so that’s what I’ve uploaded today.

I also found a poem.  Enjoy!

Talk again soon.

The snowdrop

Three softly curved white sepals veined with light,
Three green-lined petals, guarding frugal gold,
And all so strong to fold or to unfold!
Snow thunders from the bending pines. How slight
This frail, sheathed stem! Yet all unbent it springs,
So swift in stoopings and recoverings.

In the pale sunshine, with frail wings unfurled,
Comes to the bending snowdrop the first bee.
She gives her winter honey prudently;
And faint with travel in a bitter world,
The bee makes music, tentative and low,
And spring awakes and laughs across the snow.

Mary Webb

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